Geordies Know baseball?
Well atleast I do!
Summer is here and for all those who are American know its baseball season! I've been watching baseball nearly every day via a wonderful thing call MLB Live (Major League Baseball). Its belter! There's atleast 8-10 games on in a day and all I have to do is click on the game I want to watch and its streaming live right to my computer and the picture's rite good! Its like watching it on proper TV!
Use to be a NY Yankees fan but was persuaded to change, now I'm an LA Angels fan due to my sister living in LA for about 6 or 7 years but how did a Geordie get hooked on baseball?
Well, when I was 8yrs old there was an American dude living down the road from me, which is weird in itself. Anyways, I was messing about with a bunch of lads playing cricket in the road and he was sitting in his yard watching us. Long story short, we got talking and he gave me his baseball book and I was hooked. I read it from cover to cover (for those who know me now, yes I used to read) I practiced every pitch in that book with a hacky sack(drove my sister crazy throwin it across the landing at home) but I never got to do the real thing until.......last week I was up in China with an American & a sort of American and the 3 of us played on this patch of grass round the back of me friends house. It was cool!
Bet yer didn't know that about me!